Additional opportunities for the systematization of the marketing research for resource conservation practice

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Economic development of agricultural enterprises can provide the implementation of measures aimed at industrial resources conservation. Apart from the need for significant one-time investments that accompany resources’ economy at enterprises, there are no methodological grounds for assessing the effectiveness of the technology of rational resource use. The goal of the research is to develop methodical tools to determine technical and economic parameters for an advanced system of resource-saving measures. The period under investigation is 2014–2016, the number of enterprises under analysis is 96. To define the rules of choosing solutions on the base of games theory, taking into account information and expectations of agrarians, the analysis is performed based on the Laplas, Bayes, Sewidzh and Hurwitz criteria. Calculated values of the enterprises’ potential advantages, rep-resented as an attribute for analytical grouping, allowed to define optimal strategies for designing a policy of production resources conservation. The demonstration partition of the whole set of enter-prises is performed according to the suggested methodology. The data obtained as a result of criteria estimation allows us to draw conclusions about the most probable actions of grain producers in the situation of uncertainty, which enables us to identify typical effectiveness parameters of the system and to assess the prospects of the resource conservation policy.
Ключові слова
resources use, optimal strategy, planning, limit values, efficiency
Бібліографічний опис
Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development