Природные комплексы морского побережья классического лиманного типа
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Побережье северо-западной части Черного моря является классическим лиманным. Здесь устьевые области рек представлены лиманами разных типов и размеров. Лиманы являются переходными природными комплексами между континентальными и аквальными ландшафтами. Исходя из закономерностей развития береговой зоны на побережье лиманов Тузловской группы были выделены природные
комплексы горизонтального и вертикального заложения. В основу выделения положено литологическое строение и рельеф. Выделение природных комплексов начиналось с выделения элементарных ландшафтных единиц – фаций и их сочетаний и далее по принципу усложнения структуры в подурочища, урочища, местности.
Північно-західна частина Чорного моря є класичним лиманними узбережжям. Тут гирлові області річок представлені лиманами різних типів і розмірів. Лимани є перехідними природними комплексами між континентальними і аквальними ландшафтами. Виходячи з закономірностей розвитку берегової зони, а також з використанням термінології морфологічної структури континентальних ландшафтів були виділені елементарні природні комплекси горизонтального і вертикального залягання. В основу виділення покладено літологічна будова і рельєф. Виділення починалося з елементарних ландшафтних комплексів – фацій та їх поєднань за принципом ускладнення структури; підурочища, урочища, місцевості.
Purpose. The North-Western part of the Black sea is a classic Limanic coast. However, some Limans have been investigated insufficiently and comprehensively, there is no reliable scientific information that could provide a rational use of the natural resources of Limans. It should also be noted that the landscape specialists there is no unified conclusions on the landscape structure of the coastal zone within the mouth systems areas. The researchers proceed from principles of differentiated landscape systems. Most fully and comprehensively studied continental landscapes. For them the classification of natural systems were designed – from the lowest to the highest ranks. The classification of natural limanic systems content the different landscape ranks and elements. At the same time, attempts were made for development of a classification of natural systems within the Global Ocean. Unexplored remained only transition zones between aquatic and continental landscapes, which include marine limans from Tuzlovska Group and other types. Submissions fill the existing deficiency in the classification of landscapes of the coastal zone, and Limanic areas including. In this regard, the tittle of the article is relevant, while the materials have practical value. The object of research is the coastal zone Tuzlovsky limans. The subject of research are the natural systems of the coastal zone of the horizontal laying Tuzlovsky limans. The aim of the study presented in this article is to distinguish of landscapes in the coastal zone Tuzlovsky limans. Data & Methods. The basical materials of the article were adapted the natural materials of long field research an accumulative forms of shore-marine origin, that separated Limanic aquatory from the Black Sea. Obtained extensive and diverse material was subjected to analysis, synthesis, generalization and classification. Results. Limans are transitional natural systems had forming between continental and aquatic environments. They based on the laws of development of the coastal zone, as well as using the terminology of the morphological structure of the continental landscapes were identified elementary landscapes complexes of laying horizontal. The basis of allocation are put lithology and topography. Separation was began with element landscapes complexes on horizontal shore surfaces. Its represented facies (series of facies) and its associations, according to principles of structure of geographical rank. Based on the laws of development of the coastal zone, genetically morphological elements of the horizontal levels were distinguished firstly. The set of rows of facies forms podurochisches. Among them are: spit separating the limans from the sea; Besaranska spit, Tuzlovskaya spit; Kurudiolskaya spit; Spit Kalfa; Hadjider spit; Spit Karachaus; Spit Kamchatsky Rozhok; spit Budur; Martaza spit; Magalevskaya spit; spit Salt lake; Small Sasyk spit. The beach is the connecting link between aquatic and subaqutical coastal systems. Highlighted within facieses should apply equally to morphological units as horizontal and vertical laying.
Північно-західна частина Чорного моря є класичним лиманними узбережжям. Тут гирлові області річок представлені лиманами різних типів і розмірів. Лимани є перехідними природними комплексами між континентальними і аквальними ландшафтами. Виходячи з закономірностей розвитку берегової зони, а також з використанням термінології морфологічної структури континентальних ландшафтів були виділені елементарні природні комплекси горизонтального і вертикального залягання. В основу виділення покладено літологічна будова і рельєф. Виділення починалося з елементарних ландшафтних комплексів – фацій та їх поєднань за принципом ускладнення структури; підурочища, урочища, місцевості.
Purpose. The North-Western part of the Black sea is a classic Limanic coast. However, some Limans have been investigated insufficiently and comprehensively, there is no reliable scientific information that could provide a rational use of the natural resources of Limans. It should also be noted that the landscape specialists there is no unified conclusions on the landscape structure of the coastal zone within the mouth systems areas. The researchers proceed from principles of differentiated landscape systems. Most fully and comprehensively studied continental landscapes. For them the classification of natural systems were designed – from the lowest to the highest ranks. The classification of natural limanic systems content the different landscape ranks and elements. At the same time, attempts were made for development of a classification of natural systems within the Global Ocean. Unexplored remained only transition zones between aquatic and continental landscapes, which include marine limans from Tuzlovska Group and other types. Submissions fill the existing deficiency in the classification of landscapes of the coastal zone, and Limanic areas including. In this regard, the tittle of the article is relevant, while the materials have practical value. The object of research is the coastal zone Tuzlovsky limans. The subject of research are the natural systems of the coastal zone of the horizontal laying Tuzlovsky limans. The aim of the study presented in this article is to distinguish of landscapes in the coastal zone Tuzlovsky limans. Data & Methods. The basical materials of the article were adapted the natural materials of long field research an accumulative forms of shore-marine origin, that separated Limanic aquatory from the Black Sea. Obtained extensive and diverse material was subjected to analysis, synthesis, generalization and classification. Results. Limans are transitional natural systems had forming between continental and aquatic environments. They based on the laws of development of the coastal zone, as well as using the terminology of the morphological structure of the continental landscapes were identified elementary landscapes complexes of laying horizontal. The basis of allocation are put lithology and topography. Separation was began with element landscapes complexes on horizontal shore surfaces. Its represented facies (series of facies) and its associations, according to principles of structure of geographical rank. Based on the laws of development of the coastal zone, genetically morphological elements of the horizontal levels were distinguished firstly. The set of rows of facies forms podurochisches. Among them are: spit separating the limans from the sea; Besaranska spit, Tuzlovskaya spit; Kurudiolskaya spit; Spit Kalfa; Hadjider spit; Spit Karachaus; Spit Kamchatsky Rozhok; spit Budur; Martaza spit; Magalevskaya spit; spit Salt lake; Small Sasyk spit. The beach is the connecting link between aquatic and subaqutical coastal systems. Highlighted within facieses should apply equally to morphological units as horizontal and vertical laying.
Ключові слова
Черное море, береговая зона, лиманы Тузловской группы, ландшафты, пересыпь, коса, фации, подурочища, урочища, местности, Чорне море, берегова зона, лимани Тузлівськой групи, ландшафти, пересипи, коси, фації, підурочища, урочища, місцевості, Black sea, coastal zone, limans Tuzlovsky groups, landscapes, spit, facies, podurochisches, urochisches, areas
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald