Художні особливості твору Любка Дереша «Притча про дрозофіл»

Науковий керівник
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Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мечникова
Стаття присвячена поетиці твору відомого сучасного українського письменника. Проаналізовано «Притчу про дрозофіл» як центральний твір циклу «Есеї» в збірці «Трициліндровий двигун любові». Акцентовано увагу на жанрових особливостях твору, зокрема на структурному і функціональному його рівнях, розкрито алегоричну природу притчі. Проаналізовано філософське наповнення есею.
Статья посвящена поэтике произведения известного современного украинского писателя. Проанализирована «Притча про дрозофилл» как центральное произведение цикла «Эссе» в сборнике «Трицилиндровый двигатель любви». Акцентировано внимание на жанровых особенностях произведения, в частности на структурном и функциональном его уровнях, раскрыта аллегорическая природа притчи. Проанализировано философское наполнение эссе.
The article «Artistic features of Lyubko Deresh’s work «Prytcha pro Drozophil» [The parable about Drozophils] is devoted to poetics of this work by its famous contemporary Ukrainian writer. «Prytcha pro Drozophil» is analysed as a central work of «Eseyi» series in the collection «Trycylindrovuy dvuhun lyubovi». Emphasis is placed on genre features of the work, particularly on its structural and functional levels; allegoric nature of parable is also discovered. It is analysed that drozdophyls, with which the author was desperately fighting, are the model of society, because parasitism is very easy to be spread in there, some parasites give birth to others, therefore, it becomes a total phenomenon. Drozophils (as we read — people) have been grouped by the author in three «nations»: to the first one he included those, who grouped based on the «colony», to the second one — those, who grew up on the base of the first «colony», to the third group belonged those who were «the example of decadency». Deresh puts forward an idea that people also have remarkable life strength, outstanding will to live. The creatures, with which a person is fighting, are unpleasant and attractive to the author at the same time: he values those who do not give up regardless of any life troubles. However, it is stated a couple of times in the work that a human being is a creature that is not always perfect, because it has a skill of both attacking and protecting what belongs to him or her. Philosophical content of essay as a genre is analysed as well: the author managed to depict reality in a new principle: in front of reader’s eyes he builds a new myth, in which he transforms idiosyncratic to traditional fiction explanation of characters’ behaviour (drozophyls/ people-fighters) in reflection of the author-philosopher, and therefore, replacing the comprehension of concrete into spiritual. Accent is placed from action onto morality and ethics, and the subjects of author’s attention become all important reasons that form spiritual formation of contemporary fighter and attacker.
Ключові слова
притча, цикл, збірка, алегорія, поетика, сборник, алегория, поэтика, parable, cycle, collection, allegory, poetics
Бібліографічний опис
Проблеми сучасного літературознавства = The problems of contemporary literary studies