К вопросу о классификации преступлений против основ национальной безопасности Украины

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Люксембургський Центр дослідження європейських реформ
The article investigates the problem of establishing crimes against the foundations of national security of Ukraine in the context of the current criminal law and subject to the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On the Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine". We study the role of specific object in the classification of such crimes. It sets the range of factors that affect the occurrence of the typical objects of the considered crimes. Analyzes the authoritative opinion of the well-known researchers in the division of such offenses into separate types. The legislator, while recognizing the existence of internal and external threats to national security as a whole, indirectly or even directly involves the protection of national security both within the state and outside of it, that is - we can talk about the internal and external security of the state.
«European Reforms Bulletin»(Люксембург). - 2015 .
Ключові слова
State security, classification, object types, internal-external threats, sources of threats, national security, crime, the criteria for classification
Бібліографічний опис
European reforms bulletin : наук. журн