Представники духовної освіти в структурі Новоросійського університету
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті висвітлюється історія заснування кафедр богослов’я, церковної історії та церковного права, що діяли у структурі Новоросійського університету. Показано діяльність професорів, які очолювали ці кафедри, та їх наукові здобутки. Такий аналіз дає можливість оцінити той внесок, що було зроблено представниками духовної освіти у розвиток богословського напрямку.
В статье освещена история кафедр богословия, церковной истории и церковного права, которые действовали при Новороссийском университете, показана деятельность профессоров, которые возглавляли эти кафедры, и их научные достижения. Такой анализ деятельности представителей духовного образования дал возможность раскрыть научный вклад профессоров в развитие богословского направления в структуре Новороссийского университета.
History of the Departments of Theology, Ecclesiastical History and Ecclesiastical Law of Novorossiysk University as well as clarification of activities of professors who were the Heads of these Departments is the subject of the article. The objective of the research was to reveal the contribution to science these professors had made on basis of such material as “Records of Proceedings of the Board Meeting of Novorossiysk University”, “Teaching of Sciences at the Imperial Novorossiysk University Review” as well as the particular studies of the professors themselves. As a result of the research using the analytical approach generic aspects of existence of theological departments in educational structure of the University including the period of teaching the theological disciplines at the Richelieu Lycée were described. The basic legislative acts regulating the activity of such Departments were stated and the activity of such professors as Pavlovskiy M.K., Kudryavtsev A.N., Voytovskiy V.M., Klitin A.N., Krasnoseltsev N.F., Dobroklonskiy A.P., Almazov A.I., Pavlov F.S. who not only became the significant persons in the history of the University but also played the leading role in social and spiritual life of Odessa in general was elucidated. Such analysis of the activity of the representatives of religious education at Novorossiysk University provided an opportunity to conclude of the importance of the theological disciplines in educational structure of the University as it is them that are of great importance to the spiritual development of personality and society on the whole.
В статье освещена история кафедр богословия, церковной истории и церковного права, которые действовали при Новороссийском университете, показана деятельность профессоров, которые возглавляли эти кафедры, и их научные достижения. Такой анализ деятельности представителей духовного образования дал возможность раскрыть научный вклад профессоров в развитие богословского направления в структуре Новороссийского университета.
History of the Departments of Theology, Ecclesiastical History and Ecclesiastical Law of Novorossiysk University as well as clarification of activities of professors who were the Heads of these Departments is the subject of the article. The objective of the research was to reveal the contribution to science these professors had made on basis of such material as “Records of Proceedings of the Board Meeting of Novorossiysk University”, “Teaching of Sciences at the Imperial Novorossiysk University Review” as well as the particular studies of the professors themselves. As a result of the research using the analytical approach generic aspects of existence of theological departments in educational structure of the University including the period of teaching the theological disciplines at the Richelieu Lycée were described. The basic legislative acts regulating the activity of such Departments were stated and the activity of such professors as Pavlovskiy M.K., Kudryavtsev A.N., Voytovskiy V.M., Klitin A.N., Krasnoseltsev N.F., Dobroklonskiy A.P., Almazov A.I., Pavlov F.S. who not only became the significant persons in the history of the University but also played the leading role in social and spiritual life of Odessa in general was elucidated. Such analysis of the activity of the representatives of religious education at Novorossiysk University provided an opportunity to conclude of the importance of the theological disciplines in educational structure of the University as it is them that are of great importance to the spiritual development of personality and society on the whole.
Ключові слова
богослов’я, Новоросійський університет, професори-богослови, Рішельєвський ліцей, православ’я, канонічне право, церковна історія, церковне право (законознавство), богословие, Новороссийский университет, профессора-богословы, Ришельевский лицей, православие, каноническое право, церковная история, церковное право, theology, Novorossiysk University, theological professors, Richelieu Lycée, orthodoxy, canon law, Ecclesiastical History, Ecclesiastical Law
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald