Факторы, влияющие на восприятие времени в пожилом возрасте

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
В статье рассматриваются факторы, влияющие на восприятие человеком времени. Исследуются возможности управления временем и контроль чувства хода времени посредством внутренних ресурсов.
У статті розглядаються фактори, що впливають на сприйняття людиною часу. Досліджуються можливості управління часом і контроль почуття ходу часу з допомогою внутрішніх ресурсів.
Currently there is a trend of increasing part of older people in a modern society. Problems of older people differ versatility and require comprehensive measures to improve the quality of life of all indicators. Old age has many valuable and positive qualities, but negative features are also observed. Experience and maturity of thought remain a privilege of the elderly. Old age has its attractions. We must remember that personal development never stops. The aging process does not mean the degradation of the individual, it is the process of transforming it in the better way. To the aging process proceeded successfully, it is necessary to control the subjective feeling of the passage of time. Two factors determine the course of psychological time — information and our inner «I». To slow down the time we need to get as much new information as possibly, and also block or weaken the structure of our inner «I» through meditation. Prospects for further research in this area is the development on the basis of the data obtained guidelines and intervention programs, that allow older people to improve the physical and psychological condition, quality of life and be more productive spending the last years. One of the negative factors is the acceleration of the flow of time perception in the elderly. As part of the preparation and adaptation of older people to the final period of the life cycle, and also to improve the conditions and quality of life of older people, providing them with psychological problems help, we investigated the factors affecting the perception of time in older age, with a view to learn how to manage their own time in life and to expand it, to practically live longer.
Ключові слова
период поздней взрослости, геронтогенез, когнитивные функции, аффективная сфера, психологическое время, процесс старения медитация, «позитивное» бодрствование, період пізньої дорослості, геронтогенез, когнітивні функції, афективна сфера, психологічний час, процес старіння, медитація, «позитивне» пильнування, period of late adulthood, gerontogenez, cognitive function, affective sphere, psychological time, the aging process, meditation, positive vigor
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald