Digital Marketing Tools In The Value Chain Of An Innovative Product
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Innovative development is relevant for companies and organizations of any scale and any specificity. Global trends, such as the advent of breakthrough technologies, digitalization and the acceleration of the product life cycle, are leading to radical changes in most industries. Value chains are changing, profitability zones are shifting, new players are appearing, and this fundamentally changes the balance of forces in industries, significantly accelerating the implementation of new ideas and developments. The frequency of new opportunities and threats, as well as the speed of their penetration into markets, continues to increase. Every year, new technologies penetrate our lives faster and faster, and companies have less time to implement them. Innovative products are a specific product on the market. The difficulties in perceiving new developments, especially those that form unique needs or replace existing goods and technologies, do not immediately allow us to organize a normal process of communication with potential consumers. This is mainly due to the formation of barriers for consumers to perceive new products, to overcome which unique methods are needed. The expansion of traditional marketing with digital marketing tools dramatically facilitates the task of exploring a new product, studying demand and promoting an innovative product. This article is devoted to the analysis of marketing and innovation activity at the stages of the value chain and the role of digital marketing in the value chain.
Ключові слова
Digital Marketing, General Marketing, Innovative Product, Innovation Activity, Innovation Market, Marketing Tools, Value Chain
Бібліографічний опис
International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research