Визначення понять «біосферний заповідник» і «біосферний резерват» за законодавством України

Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Статтю присвячено визначенню та розмежуванню понять «біосферний заповідник» і «біосферний резерват» за законодавством України. Аналізується співвідношення функцій біосферних заповідників і біосферних резерватів та їх зонування. Досліджуючи процедуру створення названих категорій, вносяться певні пропозиції щодо зміни національного законодавства.
The article is currently important due to the fact that nowadays there is no concept of the biosphere reserve in the legislation of Ukraine. There is no differentiation of the concepts «biosphere nature reserve» and «biosphere reserve». Although due to the official data of the Ministry of the environmental and natural resources protection, there are 9 biosphere reserves on the territory of Ukraine. Five of them are biosphere nature reserve, among them Chernobyl biosphere nature reserve, which does not have a status of biosphere reserve. It is also interesting, that 4 biosphere reserves do not have a status of biosphere nature reserves in Ukraine. It should be noted, that there is some confusion about the procedure of their creation. The study found that there are biosphere nature reserves in Ukraine, which were created in accordance with the procedure described in the legislation, but also biosphere reserves declared in accordance with separate international agreements. At the same time, as mentioned above, the national legislation does not regulate the concept of a biosphere reserve. After analyzing the legislation, we can conclude that biosphere nature reserves and biosphere reserves can be created not only on the territory of national natural parks, nature reserves and other categories of the natural reserve fund, but also on lands of special conservation value. In order to monitor the impact of human anthropogenic activity on the environment, it is proposed to include adjacent territories in biosphere nature reserves and biosphere reserves. For this, zoning of territories is carried out and certain functions are performed, including the function of sustainable development. After conducting a study, it was found that now in the country there are simultaneously two concepts of «biosphere nature reserve» and «biosphere reserve», which are not coordinated with each other. This creates uncertainty and confusion in the national legislation. Moreover, it should be noted that the Decree of the President «On Biosphere Nature Reserves of Ukraine» is not true today and therefore it is advisable to make certain changes that reflect the true state of affairs.
Ключові слова
біосферний заповідник, біосферний резерват, природно-заповідний фонд, функції, зонування, МАВ-програма ЮНЕСКО, biosphere nature reserve, biosphere reserve, natural reserve fund, functions, zoning, UNESCO MAB program
Бібліографічний опис
Правова держава = Правовое государство = Сonstitutional State