Американо-кубинські відносини в XXI столітті

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Стаття присвячена вивченню причин зміни зовнішньополітичного курсу Б. Обами за час президенства Д. Трампа та дослідженню можливостей нормалізації американо-кубинських відносин на основі тимчасової стратегічної концепції нового президента США Джо Байдена з 2021 року.
The article is devoted to studying the causes of changes in foreign policy of Barack Obama during the presidency J. Trump and to researching the opportunities of normalization of US-Cuban relations based on J. Biden’s Interim National Security Strategic Guidance, who took the office in 2021. Since in 2017, the new US President, D. Trump, negates the achievements of his predecessor (the restoration of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States in 2015) and radically changes bilateral relations between Washington and Havana, giving them a more hostile character. Trump, through his casuistic policies, imposed painful economic sanctions, citing systematic violations of human rights on Liberty Island, which occurred in the midst of the pandemic and provoked a deep crisis in Cuba. However, such a rather aggressive foreign policy of Trump prevented their cooperation in the areas of migration, national security, and environmental protection of mutual interest. But solving problems in these areas requires the participation of two countries on equal terms. Thus, relations between Washington and Havana under the Trump presidency returned to the long-gone Cold War stage. At the moment, changes and prospects for the normalization of relations are expected by the new US President - Joe Biden, who took office in 2021. Nevertheless, so far, the new administration is in no hurry with decisions to start a negotiation process between the United States and Cuba, only emphasizing that the promotion of democracy will become the basis of US foreign policy. Despite political reforms thanks to the 2019 Constitution, Cuba is still far from a democratic system.
Ключові слова
ембарго, країна-спонсор тероризму, Трамп, Байден, просування демократії, нормалізація відносин, embargo, state sponsor of terrorism, Trump, Biden, democracy promotion, normalization of relations
Бібліографічний опис
Соціально-політичні студії : наук. альманах