Міжнародне приватне морське право України: сучасний стан системи колізійних норм

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Відмінності у правових нормах, що регулюють відносини у сфері торговельного мореплавства, відмінності у змісті понять і інститутів морського приватного права різних країн створюють невизначеність щодо юрисдикції спору, застосовного матеріального права, а також виконання рішень компетентного правозастосовного органу на території іноземної держави, тим самим породжуючи колізійну проблему. Дієвим методом подолання колізій у цій сфері вбачається колізійно- правовий метод, який, проте, має бути здійснений з урахуванням сучасних тенденцій переосмислення його ролі і функцій. Метою дослідження є виявлення, на основі комплексного аналізу теоретичних і законодавчих положень, сучасного стану системи колізійних норм міжнародного приватного морського права України для формування уявлення про рівень їхньої ефективності та відповідності сучасним тенденціям розвитку міжнародного приватного права.
Differences in the legal norms governing relations in the field of merchant shipping, as well as differences in the content of concepts and institutes of private maritime law of different countries lead to uncertainty regarding the jurisdiction of disputes, applicable substantive law, enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards. The author regards the conflict-of-laws method as an effective tool to overcome conflicts in this area, which however should be employed given current trends in recomprehension of its role and functions. The article aims at ascertaining, based on a comprehensive analysis of theoretical and legislative provisions, the current state of the system of conflict-of-laws rules of private international maritime law of Ukraine with a view to forming an understanding of the level of their effectiveness and compliance with modern trends in the development of private international law. The author notes that the issue of overcoming conflicts in maritime law has partly been addressed by international legal unification of substantive rules while emphasizing that this process is too much politicized and may be accompanied by difficulties of a theoretical and practical nature. That gives rise to a reconcideration of the role of the conflict-of-laws method, to an update of the array of conflict-of-laws rules, to the use of combined forms and methods of convergence and interaction of national legal systems. The article proves, based on the analysis of theoretical provisions of private international law, conflict-of-laws rules and principles enshrined in national legislation (Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine) and international treaties of Ukraine, that Ukrainian law embodies a large number of conflict-of-law rules applicable to a wide scope of merchant shipping relations. Given this state of affairs, the author substantiates the development of private international maritime law as a special sub-branch of private international law. The author maintains that the specific features of merchant shipping relations determine the specifics of methods for conflict resolution, which is expressed in the development of specific connecting factors-principles: the law of the flag, various modifications of the law of the port, the law of the place of collision etc. It is noted that there is a tendency towards an increase in the variability of conflict-of-law rules, a weakening of the dominant role of unilateral rules, a shift in the marine conflicts regulation methods from rigid to flexible. The author concludes that the system of conflict-of-laws rules of private international maritime law of Ukraine has effective tools for overcoming conflicts and is developing in consonance with modern trends observed in the develooment of private international law in general. It is proposed to revise provisions of the Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine with a view to improving the systematization of conflict-of-laws rules and to arrange within the frames of the Code a special section to put all conflict-of-laws rules in order as to provide for a greater clarity of this system and the ease of its use.
Ключові слова
конфлікти, верховенство законів, колізійний принцип, міжнародне приватне право, міжнародне приватне морське право, торгове судноплавство, conflicts, conflict-of-laws rule, conflict-of-laws principle, private international law, private international maritime law, merchant shipping
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Право України