К вопросу о характеристиках подводного склона в береговой зоне Черного моря
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Северное побережье Черного моря характеризуется распространением различных типов подводных склонов, которые находятся в береговой зоне. По форме поперечного профиля доминируют вогнутые и выпукло-вогнутые кривые. Максимальный уклон был равен 0,01548; а минимальный 0,00217. Средние значения как правило составляют от 0,004 до 0,008. Значения укло-нов и формы профиля унаследованы от первичного расчленения поверхно-сти шельфа и хода голоценовой трансгрессии Черного моря. Трансгрессив-ная кривая описывает «замедление» трансгрессии при встрече с крутыми короткими уклонами положительных форм, а «ускорение» отражается на кривой при прохождении уровня моря по длинным пологим и квазигоризон-тальным уклонам, при прочих равных условиях.
Different types of inclinations and forms of submarine slopes are widely spread along the Black Sea coastal zone between Dnieper Liman in East to Dan-ube Delta in West. According to the forms of a crossing profiles, concave and convexo-con|cave are prevailing. The maximal inclination was 0,01548; and min-imal value was 0,00217. As a rule, the average meanings are make from 0,004 to 0,008 in depth interval 0-10 m in coastal zone. Different inclinations and the pro-file forms were inherited from primary open formation of the shelf surface and Holocenic transgression trend of the Black Sea. Integral transgressive curve de-scribe «slowing down» of the transgression during the bickering with steep and short slopes of a positive relief forms, and «speeding-up» had an effect on the curve during the bickering the Sea level with long and gently («quasi-horizontal») slopes, by other things being equal. Results of the article are important during analysis and estimation of anthropogenous factor impact on natural system of a coastal zone of the Black Sea.
Different types of inclinations and forms of submarine slopes are widely spread along the Black Sea coastal zone between Dnieper Liman in East to Dan-ube Delta in West. According to the forms of a crossing profiles, concave and convexo-con|cave are prevailing. The maximal inclination was 0,01548; and min-imal value was 0,00217. As a rule, the average meanings are make from 0,004 to 0,008 in depth interval 0-10 m in coastal zone. Different inclinations and the pro-file forms were inherited from primary open formation of the shelf surface and Holocenic transgression trend of the Black Sea. Integral transgressive curve de-scribe «slowing down» of the transgression during the bickering with steep and short slopes of a positive relief forms, and «speeding-up» had an effect on the curve during the bickering the Sea level with long and gently («quasi-horizontal») slopes, by other things being equal. Results of the article are important during analysis and estimation of anthropogenous factor impact on natural system of a coastal zone of the Black Sea.
Ключові слова
Черное море, береговая зона, морфология, палеогеография, рельеф, наносы, распространение, Black Sea, coastal zone, morphology, paleogeography, relief, sediment, distribution
Бібліографічний опис
«Зимові наукові читання» : 3-я міжнар. конф. (Київ, 31 січн. 2018р.). – К.: Центр наукових публікацій, 2018.