Use of spatial morphometric analysis of the Zmiinyi island underwater slope relief to reveal tectonic movements in Holocene

Keeping in mind geopolitical, military, resource, scientific, historical and cultural significance of the Zmiinyi Island and the adjacent north-western Black Sea shelf area, prevention of the island coast destruction and its infrastructure preservation are among the most urgent tasks of geological and environmental studies. It is known that the factors of formation and development of coast-destroying processes influenced significantly the morphometric features of the island underwater slope, marked by abrasion benches and terraces. The same morphometric features of underwater coastal slopes are characteristic of the entire north-western Black Sea and, as a rule, correspond to the periods of sea level stabilization at new position and formation of coastal benches. Using deformations of primary horizontal levels of abrasion benches as indicators of ancient coastlines it becomes possible in principle to assess size, sign and speed of vertical tectonic movements in a certain point. As the Zmiinyi Island coast destruction has been intensive in the recent decades, one of the main geological tasks for elaboration of protective measures in order to preserve the unique geological object and to develop the island infrastructure is assessment of Holocene tectonic movements’ role in formation of modern underwater slope changes. For that, unlike the previously performed morphometric studies of the island’s underwater slope along separate profiles, more detailed and spatial morphometric analysis is required. Purpose of the work has been to reveal the features of morphometric characteristics of modern relief of the Zmiinyi Island underwater slope in order to identify the stages of geological development and assess the intensity of vertical tectonic movements in Holocene.
Ключові слова
Spatial morphometric analysis, Holocene, Zmiinyi island, Underwater slope relief
Бібліографічний опис
In Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects 2020 (May 2020).