Інноваційні аспекти побудови комунікацій в крюїнгових компаніях
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
В статті розглядаються питання необхідності правильно побудованої та
ефективної комунікації в крюїнгових компаніях. Здійснено структурування основних видів комунікацій та інформації, визначено проблеми комунікації. Розроблені
пропозиції щодо підвищення ефективності комунікації та впровадження і подальшого розвитку нових комунікацій.
В статье рассматриваются вопросы необходимости правильно построенных и эффективных коммуникаций в крюинговых компаниях. Осуществлено структурирование основных видов коммуникаций и информации, определены проблемы коммуникации. Разработаны предложения по повышению эффективности коммуникации и внедрение и дальнейшего развития новых коммуникаций.
The article discusses the need for properly built and effective communications in crewing companies. Structuring of the main types of communications and information was carried out, communication problems were identified. Proposals for improvement of the effectiveness of communication and the introduction and further development of new communications. World experience undoubtedly proves that the effective and sustainable development of enterprises in various business areas in modern business conditions is achieved through the use of innovations that provide strategic competitive advantages in the market. Innovation processes are usually driven by the need to achieve certain goals. In the context of globalization and constant intensification of competition, the basis of competitiveness is innovation, which allows enterprises with innovative competitive advantages to take a worthy place among enterprises in the same field. Under the quality of the crewing service is meant to understand a certain set of properties and characteristics of the crewing service, which are formed by the relationships of all interested parties in its provision, potentially or really capable of most effectively meeting the identified and foreseeable needs of the shipowners, employees and society in general services. innovative aspects of communication development in crewing companies, as the maritime sector is very narrow and interesting and is now gaining momentum in development and improvement due to a change in power. It is in this area that the communication process especially needs to be as flexible, fast and specific as possible. This is what drives business owners to innovate, which makes all processes more efficient and faster, and the company, in turn, becomes more stable and more competitive. In order to improve the communication process, it is necessary to constantly identify the links that most often have difficulty transmitting or distorting information. Based on these studies, it is possible to introduce innovations that will solve these problems.
В статье рассматриваются вопросы необходимости правильно построенных и эффективных коммуникаций в крюинговых компаниях. Осуществлено структурирование основных видов коммуникаций и информации, определены проблемы коммуникации. Разработаны предложения по повышению эффективности коммуникации и внедрение и дальнейшего развития новых коммуникаций.
The article discusses the need for properly built and effective communications in crewing companies. Structuring of the main types of communications and information was carried out, communication problems were identified. Proposals for improvement of the effectiveness of communication and the introduction and further development of new communications. World experience undoubtedly proves that the effective and sustainable development of enterprises in various business areas in modern business conditions is achieved through the use of innovations that provide strategic competitive advantages in the market. Innovation processes are usually driven by the need to achieve certain goals. In the context of globalization and constant intensification of competition, the basis of competitiveness is innovation, which allows enterprises with innovative competitive advantages to take a worthy place among enterprises in the same field. Under the quality of the crewing service is meant to understand a certain set of properties and characteristics of the crewing service, which are formed by the relationships of all interested parties in its provision, potentially or really capable of most effectively meeting the identified and foreseeable needs of the shipowners, employees and society in general services. innovative aspects of communication development in crewing companies, as the maritime sector is very narrow and interesting and is now gaining momentum in development and improvement due to a change in power. It is in this area that the communication process especially needs to be as flexible, fast and specific as possible. This is what drives business owners to innovate, which makes all processes more efficient and faster, and the company, in turn, becomes more stable and more competitive. In order to improve the communication process, it is necessary to constantly identify the links that most often have difficulty transmitting or distorting information. Based on these studies, it is possible to introduce innovations that will solve these problems.
Ключові слова
комунікація, ефективність, інновація, інформація, крюїнг, управлінська діяльність, коммуникация, эффективность, инновация, информация, крюинг, управленческая деятельность, communication, efficiency, innovation, information, crewing, managerial activity
Бібліографічний опис
Ринкова економіка: сучасна теорія і практика управління = Market economy: modern management theory and practice