Методологія управління розвитком високотехнологічних промислових підприємств
Науковий керівник
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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора економічних наук за
спеціальністю 08.00.04 «Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами
економічної діяльності)». – Університет митної справи та фінансів, Дніпро,
Дисертацію присвячено теоретичному узагальненню та новому
вирішенню науково-прикладної проблеми, яка полягає в розробці
методологічних засад, методичних підходів та практичного інструментарію
щодо управління розвитком високотехнологічних (ВТ) промислових
підприємств в умовах реалізації інноваційної моделі економіки.
В роботі вперше розроблено методологічне забезпечення розвитку ВТ
промислових підприємств в умовах реалізації моделі високотехнологічного
зростання економіки. Це дало можливість дисертанту урізноманітнити
підходи до розвитку (ВТ) підприємств на основі інноваційної державної
політики, розвитку конкурентних ринків і широкого залучення
інтелектуального капіталу, забезпечуючи єдиний простір науки і високих
технологій, співпрацю з ЄС. Його необхідність обумовлена новими
особливостями сучасної ринкової економіки – нарощенням масштабів світової
економічної глобалізації з одночасним обмеженням національних ресурсів та
бюджетів, нових суспільних потреб, особливо в сфері високих технологій,
зменшення невизначеності і ризиків, оптимального використання наявних
фінансових ресурсів.
This dissertation is devoted to the theoretical generalization and new solution of the scientific-applied problem of the development of scientific-methodological principles and methodical provisions and the toolkit for high-technological (НТ) development management of industrial ventures in transformational economics. Scientific and methodological foundations of continuous evolutionary development of НТ industrial enterprise were firstly created in this work as instruments of its sustainable development, which are based on: the postulates of that high-tech production is a space of orderly and cyclically organized processes that exist in the energy-information space, where energy determines the inner essence and content of each process, and information-forms of its manifestation; unified model of the production process of high-tech sphere, which allows to develop the theory of sustainable development and the construction of appropriate technologies for the organization of modern production; methodological research tools – study and systematization of existing approaches, the diagnosis of the empirical base, the modeling of structural and logical development, the justification of the modern organizational and economic mechanism of management of high-tech business entities; determined boundaries of sustainable development; correlation between causes and factors of favorable and adverse impact of the unstable environment of the global economy. The scientific basis for the formation of the policy concept of HT development of industrial enterprises, the theoretical and methodological basis of which is integrated with the instrumental support of the management system, allowing to reduce the impact of negative factors of the unstable environment, was developed and includes the following components: the overall assessment of the situation in the HT sector, the basic principles of the state policy of HT development, the choice and implementation of its priority areas, the formation of approaches to the state support of business entities of HT, information support for the implementation of the policy, features of the defensive technologies sphere, the creation of a single space of science and high technology, cooperation with the EU, practical implementation recommendations. The scientifically grounded bases of development policy of managing subject in HT sector of the domestic industry with the use of corresponding tools of scientific and technological forecasting which contains the main components are offered: the purpose and tasks of the state policy for subjects of managing in the sphere of high technologies, the most important directions of policy of implementation, the main actions of HT activity stimulation, the main mechanism and stages of implementation. The structural and functional mechanism of interaction of subjects of social partnership in the HT development, which, unlike the existing ones, operates at the level of individual enterprises, territory, industry, country, which is guided by a tripartite body and which implements the social-economic interests of employers and employees with the participation of the state and trade unions, has been improved.
This dissertation is devoted to the theoretical generalization and new solution of the scientific-applied problem of the development of scientific-methodological principles and methodical provisions and the toolkit for high-technological (НТ) development management of industrial ventures in transformational economics. Scientific and methodological foundations of continuous evolutionary development of НТ industrial enterprise were firstly created in this work as instruments of its sustainable development, which are based on: the postulates of that high-tech production is a space of orderly and cyclically organized processes that exist in the energy-information space, where energy determines the inner essence and content of each process, and information-forms of its manifestation; unified model of the production process of high-tech sphere, which allows to develop the theory of sustainable development and the construction of appropriate technologies for the organization of modern production; methodological research tools – study and systematization of existing approaches, the diagnosis of the empirical base, the modeling of structural and logical development, the justification of the modern organizational and economic mechanism of management of high-tech business entities; determined boundaries of sustainable development; correlation between causes and factors of favorable and adverse impact of the unstable environment of the global economy. The scientific basis for the formation of the policy concept of HT development of industrial enterprises, the theoretical and methodological basis of which is integrated with the instrumental support of the management system, allowing to reduce the impact of negative factors of the unstable environment, was developed and includes the following components: the overall assessment of the situation in the HT sector, the basic principles of the state policy of HT development, the choice and implementation of its priority areas, the formation of approaches to the state support of business entities of HT, information support for the implementation of the policy, features of the defensive technologies sphere, the creation of a single space of science and high technology, cooperation with the EU, practical implementation recommendations. The scientifically grounded bases of development policy of managing subject in HT sector of the domestic industry with the use of corresponding tools of scientific and technological forecasting which contains the main components are offered: the purpose and tasks of the state policy for subjects of managing in the sphere of high technologies, the most important directions of policy of implementation, the main actions of HT activity stimulation, the main mechanism and stages of implementation. The structural and functional mechanism of interaction of subjects of social partnership in the HT development, which, unlike the existing ones, operates at the level of individual enterprises, territory, industry, country, which is guided by a tripartite body and which implements the social-economic interests of employers and employees with the participation of the state and trade unions, has been improved.
Ключові слова
підприємство, промисловість, високотехнологічний, концепція, механізм, розвиток, управління, стратегія, методологія, методика, ефективність, проект, інтрапренерство, enterprise, industry, high-tech, concept, mechanism, development, management, strategy, methodology, efficiency, project
Бібліографічний опис
Захарченко Н. В. Методологія управління розвитком високотехнологічних промислових підприємств: дис. … док. юрид наук: спец. 08.00.04 «Економіка та управління підприємствами» / Н. В. Захарченко. – Одеса, 2019. – 530 с.