Свобода истории в эпоху Пост-правды

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
В статье рассматривается проблема развития культуры формирования объективности исторического знания. Посредством анализа современного феномена «пост-правды» как способа манипуляции сознанием, инструментом чего являются приёмы фальсификации истории, автор показывает эпистемологическую ценность истории и культурную значимость объективности историка.
The following article describes the problem of the phenomenon of post-truth in France, in Germany and in Ukraine and its role in organization of collective memory by political agents in modern times. After short overview of the issue, this question should be seen as largely a continuation of the last sixty years of postmodernism, especially in its deconstructive guise. A post-truth environment presents particular problems to historians who are trained to deal with evidence, data, and facts. Does the historian have a special role to play in preserving public memory from ‘alternative facts’? Examples of events used by politics of memory are most often associated with how to memorise the national socialist era and World War II. Despite the fact that the Holocaust is an integral part of history of WWII, in France has passed a few laws on crimes against humanity. In reponse to these laws, was written ‘L`Appel de Blois’ – ia an initiative by Liberte pour l`histoire to work against legislative authorities criminalizing the past through the legislative, which resulted in a recommendation announced by the President of the National Assembly of France Bernard Acquayet in November 2008, which called for refraining from adopting memorial laws, since expressing an assessment of historical events is not a function of the Parliament of a democratic and European country. In addition, Holodomor in Soviet Ukraine 1932–1933 become a political tool abused for manipulation: the Ukrainian Parliament passed a law defining the Holodomor as a deliberate act of genocide and made public denial illegal. However, during the Soviet regime, these facts were classified. As a conclusion, History has been and is being subjected to endless interpretation and replications of false statements. Also, as long as there is an awareness of the situation and resistance to unconscious acceptance of lies, history has a chance to preserve the past. Finding opportunities to see history from a different angle and a desire to find «historical truth» allows to to learn to think and analyze independently. Thus, it excludes ignorance and allows history to break free from shackles.
Ключові слова
Пост-правда, история, политика памяти, мемориальные законы, цензура, post-truth, History, politics of memory, memorial laws, censorship
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