Літературні збірники у діяльності Одеського «Товариства допомоги літераторам і ученим» (кінець ХІХ – початок ХХ ст.)
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті, на матеріалах літературних видань, що були опубліковані у 1892 р.
в Одесі, «Южный сборник в пользу пострадавших от неурожая» і «Отклик:
в пользу голодающих», нормативно-правової і діловодної документації,
архівних документів, розглянуто діяльність Одеського товариства допомоги літераторам і ученим, роль літературних збірників у формуванні джерел
надходження коштів до благодійної організації. Комплексний аналіз джерел дозволів дослідити головні віхи у діяльності товариства, визначити роль
викладачів Новоросійського університету у виданні літературних збірників і
розвитку добродійного товариства в цілому.
В статье на материалах вышедших в 1892 г. в Одессе литературных изданий «Южный сборник в пользу пострадавших от неурожая» и «Отклик: в пользу голодающих», нормативно-правовой и делопроизводственной документации, архивных документов рассматривается деятельность Одесского общества вспомоществования литераторам и учёным, роль литературных сборников в формировании источников поступлений в благотворительную организацию. Комплексный анализ источников позволил исследовать основные вехи в деятельности общества, выявить роль преподавателей Новороссийского университета в издании литературных сборников и развитии благотворительного общества в целом.
In the article are discussed the activities of the Society of Assistance to Writers and Scientists, and the part of literary collections in the sources of income formation to that charitable organization. The study is based on the materials of literary issues «Yuzhnyy Sbornik» («The Southern Collection») and «Otklik» («The Response»), published in Odessa in 1892 in favor of the starving people, as well as on archival documents. A comprehensive analysis of historical sources let us to explore the major milestones in the Society activities, to determine the role of professors of the Novorossiyskiy University in the publication of literary collections and in the development of the charitable society as a whole. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were made. The first period of the Society’s activity covers the end of the 80s – the beginning of the 90s of the 19th century. An important test for its participants was 1891–1892, when, due to crop failure, a significant part of the population needed immediate help. It was then that the idea arose to turn to the publication of charitable collections in which local and metropolitan poets, prose writers, and journalists took part. Both collections were dominated by local authors. A significant contribution to their publication was made by the Novorossiyskiy University professors. They were among leaders of this charitable organization from the beginning of its work and actively published their articles on the «Yuzhnyy Sbornik» pages. Both collections completed their main task: money received for them were transferred to people in need. The next period (1893–1905) is characterized by relative financial stability. This gave the Society an opportunity to open «The Shelter for the infirm press workers named after A. S. Pushkin». Alas, financial problems of the period of 1905–1908 forced the Society to abandon it. Since 1909, the Society’s activity had been gradually adjusted; its income had been increased, making it possible to take once again the shelter to its balance. For 25 years, there were 233 participants in the Odessa Society of Assistance to Writers and Scientists. Most of them were writers and journalists – 92 members; 48 members of the Society were doctors and lawyers, and the same number of participants represented a wide variety of professions. Professors and teachers from the Novorossiyskiy University and other educational institutions of Odessa were represented by 45 participants – but very energetic, who made a great contribution at each stage of the Society’s activity.
В статье на материалах вышедших в 1892 г. в Одессе литературных изданий «Южный сборник в пользу пострадавших от неурожая» и «Отклик: в пользу голодающих», нормативно-правовой и делопроизводственной документации, архивных документов рассматривается деятельность Одесского общества вспомоществования литераторам и учёным, роль литературных сборников в формировании источников поступлений в благотворительную организацию. Комплексный анализ источников позволил исследовать основные вехи в деятельности общества, выявить роль преподавателей Новороссийского университета в издании литературных сборников и развитии благотворительного общества в целом.
In the article are discussed the activities of the Society of Assistance to Writers and Scientists, and the part of literary collections in the sources of income formation to that charitable organization. The study is based on the materials of literary issues «Yuzhnyy Sbornik» («The Southern Collection») and «Otklik» («The Response»), published in Odessa in 1892 in favor of the starving people, as well as on archival documents. A comprehensive analysis of historical sources let us to explore the major milestones in the Society activities, to determine the role of professors of the Novorossiyskiy University in the publication of literary collections and in the development of the charitable society as a whole. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were made. The first period of the Society’s activity covers the end of the 80s – the beginning of the 90s of the 19th century. An important test for its participants was 1891–1892, when, due to crop failure, a significant part of the population needed immediate help. It was then that the idea arose to turn to the publication of charitable collections in which local and metropolitan poets, prose writers, and journalists took part. Both collections were dominated by local authors. A significant contribution to their publication was made by the Novorossiyskiy University professors. They were among leaders of this charitable organization from the beginning of its work and actively published their articles on the «Yuzhnyy Sbornik» pages. Both collections completed their main task: money received for them were transferred to people in need. The next period (1893–1905) is characterized by relative financial stability. This gave the Society an opportunity to open «The Shelter for the infirm press workers named after A. S. Pushkin». Alas, financial problems of the period of 1905–1908 forced the Society to abandon it. Since 1909, the Society’s activity had been gradually adjusted; its income had been increased, making it possible to take once again the shelter to its balance. For 25 years, there were 233 participants in the Odessa Society of Assistance to Writers and Scientists. Most of them were writers and journalists – 92 members; 48 members of the Society were doctors and lawyers, and the same number of participants represented a wide variety of professions. Professors and teachers from the Novorossiyskiy University and other educational institutions of Odessa were represented by 45 participants – but very energetic, who made a great contribution at each stage of the Society’s activity.
Ключові слова
літературні збірники, благодійність, університет, викладачі, журналісти, литературный сборник, благотворительность, университет, преподаватели, журналисты, literary collection, charity, University, professors, journalists
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald