Воробец чи голубей?.. Дитячі інновації якмеханізм оволодіння словотвірними моделями
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті викладено результати лонгітюдного спостереження за мовленням
дитини-білінгва до шести років. Здійснено семантико-словотвірний аналіз ди-
тячих інновацій та виявлено динаміку їх виникнення. Зокрема з’ясовано, що
переважна більшість зафіксованих словотвірних оказіоналізмів є віддієслівні
деривати. Проаналізовано структуру й семантику дитячих контамінатів-ін-
новацій, а також встановлено позамовні чинники, які уможливлюють їх ви-
никнення в дитячому мовленні.
The article presents the results of the longitudinal observation of the bilingual child speech in the age of six years old and younger. The semantic and wordformation analysis of children’s innovation words was carried out as well as the dynamics of their emergence have been revealed. In particular, it was determined that the overwhelming majority of recorded derivational occasionalisms are verbal derivatives, the number of which is significantly increasing in the age of 32 mon3ths and older. Unlike the first two years of life, the speech of three-year-old children is characterized by the predominance of occasional deverbatives in comparison with substantive-derivative occasionalisms. The structure and semantics of children’s contaminates-innovations have been analyzed, as well as the factors that allow the emergence of paradoxical words in children’s speech (influence of Russian and English languages) have been established.
The article presents the results of the longitudinal observation of the bilingual child speech in the age of six years old and younger. The semantic and wordformation analysis of children’s innovation words was carried out as well as the dynamics of their emergence have been revealed. In particular, it was determined that the overwhelming majority of recorded derivational occasionalisms are verbal derivatives, the number of which is significantly increasing in the age of 32 mon3ths and older. Unlike the first two years of life, the speech of three-year-old children is characterized by the predominance of occasional deverbatives in comparison with substantive-derivative occasionalisms. The structure and semantics of children’s contaminates-innovations have been analyzed, as well as the factors that allow the emergence of paradoxical words in children’s speech (influence of Russian and English languages) have been established.
Ключові слова
child speech, word formation, word-formation models, linguistic innovations, occasionalism, дитяче мовлення, словотвір, словотвірні моделі, деривати, мовні інновації, оказіоналізми
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald