The Black Sea Flood Question: Changes in Coastline, Climate, and Human Settlement

A lengthy book does not need a lengthy preface, so these opening words will convey only some essential matters, including the circumstances that led to the present publication, some of the background to the research it contains, and thanks to those who helped in the those who helped in the effort. The Black Sea is one of the largest marginal seas: as deep as 2250 m and over 420,000 km2 in area. Its coastline visits seven nations and links Europe with Southwestern Asia, while its water is the product of Eurasian rivers and rainfall mixing with immigrant Mediterranean saline flowing in through the Bosphorus. Due to its semi-isolation from the world ocean, the Black Sea tends to amplify environmental changes, and thus its detailed and sensitive paleoclimatic record has become a focus of oceanographic research. It is also the world’s largest anoxic basin, enabling sophisticated studies of marine oxygen depletion and the exploration of ancient shipwrecks preserved in near pristine condition.
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Ключові слова
Black Sea, molluscan paleoecology, Circum-Pontic Region, late Pleistocene, mid-Holocene, Flood Scenarios, foraminifera, Research in the Southern Sector, Research in the Eastern Sector, Research in the Mediterranean
Бібліографічний опис
The Black Sea Flood Question Changes in Coastline, Climate and Human Settlement. / V. V. Yanko-Hombach, A. S. Gilbert, N. Panin, P. M. Dolukhanov. - Springer, 2007. - 971 p.