Mathematical model of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene transgressions of the Black Sea

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Although the Late Pleistocene–Holocene fluctuations in the Black Sea have been studied over many years, no overall picture of this difficult natural phenomenon has as yet been developed and described. Moreover, in the literature, many researchers have provided mutually exclusive opinions about many of the processes occurring within this time interval. The variation in conceptualizations about the filling of the Black Sea basin is explained by the following reasons. (1) Fluctuations of sea level in the basin were never properly studied as physical processes under conditions of increased freshwater runoff, change in Bosporus strait depth, increase inWorld Ocean level, etc. Therefore, some conclusions about sea-level changes were not verified by appropriate calculations and have not been physically substantiated. (2) The study of sea-level fluctuations are conducted according to modern sea depth markers and sediment age, but as the sediment was formed under varying depth conditions, and could have moved relative to modern markers by the agency of various geological processes, it is possible that that every core may give a different level curve. (3) Processes of sedimentation, erosion and redeposition of sediment occurring in the sea have been studied insufficiently. For this reason the same geological material has been interpreted differently by various researchers. Therefore, mathematical modeling of sea-level fluctuations based on various physical laws seems to be of great importance. In this paper, the value and sign for the Black Sea freshwater balance during the Upper Pleistocene– Holocene are discussed. The hypothesis suggests that during the specified period of time, the freshwater balance of the sea was always positive, the sea was filled with water up to the sill mark in the Bosporus strait, and a river flowed into the Sea of Marmara along the strait bottom. In the present paper, geologic evidence of the river flow in the strait during the glacial age and later is presented. Other points of view about the sea’s freshwater balance change are considered...
Ключові слова
Black Sea, Late Pleistocene, Holocene
Бібліографічний опис
Quaternary International