Деструктивна та метал-акумулююча здатність бактерій роду pseudomonas

Встановлено високу здатність непатогенних штамів бактерій Pseudomonas cepacia ONU-327 і Pseudomonas fluorescens ONU-328 до деструкції важкоокиснювальних циклічних ароматичних ксенобіотиків: фенолу, вуглеводнів нафти, N-цетилпіридинію бромистого, та сорбційно- акумулюючу здатність щодо РЬ (II), Zn(II), Cr(VI). Виявлено помітний синергетичний ефект у процесі біодеструкції фенолу, вуглеводнів нафти і детоксикації води від Сг(УІ) за її обробки асоціацією штамів Р. cepacia ONU-327 і Р. fluorescens ONU-328.
Установлена высокая способность непатогенных штаммов бактерий Pseudomonas cepacia ONU-327 и Pseudomonas fluorescens ONU-328 к деструкции трудноокисляемых циклических ароматических ксенобиотиков: фенола, углеводородов нефти, N-цетилпиридиния бромистого и сорбционно-аккумулирующую способность по отношению к РЬ (II), Zn (II), Сг (VI). Обнаружен сушественный синергетический эффект в процессе биодеструкции фенола, углеводородов нефти и детоксикации воды от Сг (VI) при обработке воды ассоциацией штаммов Pseudomonas cepacia ONU-327 и Pseudomonas fluorescens ONU-328.
The high ability of non-pathogenic strains of bacteria Pseudomonas cepacia ONU-327 and Pseudomonas fluorescens ONU-328 to the destruction of difficultly oxidized cyclic aromatic xenobiotics: phenol, petroleum hydrocarbons, N-cetylpyridinium bromide and sorption-accumulating ability against Pb(II), Zn(II), Cr(VI), which was assessed by the degree of water purification from pollutants. When water was introduced into the contaminated water of strain P. cepacia ONU-327 in the amount of 7.5x10^ CFU/ ml, the degree of water purification from phenol on day 10 reached ~ 45%, and under the action of strain P. fluorescens ONU-328, the water dephenolization efficiency was up to 78%. It was first established that the use of bacterial association of strains P. cepacia ONU- 327 and P. fluorescens ONU-328 (1: 1 by volume) for the same period (10 days) promotes deep purification of water from phenol - by 100%. A synergistic oil- and surfactant-destructive ability of association of these strains of bacteria has been discovered. The degree of biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons by individual strains of P. cepacia ONU-327 and P. fluorescens ONU-328 reached 62.0-73.0% for 10 days and was maximum (82%) when using association strains. In the process of biodegradation of oil hydrocarbons by the association of strains of P. cepacia ONU-327 and P. fluorescens ONU-328 (1: 1 by volume), the concentration of oil hydrocarbons over the entire exposure time (30 days) decreased by 10-11 times compared to the initial concentration - 500 mg/l. Less noticeable synergism of the destructive properties of the association of the studied strains of microorganisms was observed during the destruction of the "biologically rigid" surfactant of the cationic type, N-cetylpyridinium bromide. The degree of purification of water from N-cetylpyridinium bromide on day 7 was 60% (from its initial concentration of 20 mg/l) with a single injection of strains P. cepacia ONU-327 and P. fluorescens ONU-328 in an amount (10.0x104-5.0x104) CFU/ml. Both strains of bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas showed resistance against highly toxic ions Pb(II), Zn(II), Cr(VI). In the detoxification of Pb(II) and Zn(II) ions with their initial concentration in solutions of 60 mg/l and 20 mg/l, the degree of water purification by free cells of bacteria P. cepacia ONU-327 reached 99.6% and 84.0% respectively; free cells of bacteria P. fluorescens ONU-328 - 93.2% and 53.5%, respectively. The efficiency of the process of water purification from heavy metal ions was increased by using immobilized cells of P. cepacia ONU-327, P. fluorescens ONU-328 and their associations (1: 1 by volume) in the bioflecula. This increase was especially noticeable for Cr(VI), from 42.4% (using free bacterial cells) to 93.0-99.9% (using bacterial cells immobilized in the biofloaculum) at the initial "threshold" concentration of Cr(VI) in aqueous solutions 70 mg/l. The polyfunctionality of biotechnological properties inherent in the strains of P. cepacia ONU-327, P. fluorescens ONU-328 makes it possible to recommend them for widespread use in biotechnology of purification of multi-component wastewater containing ions of heavy metals, difficult to oxidize cyclic aromatic xenobiotics.
Ключові слова
Pseudomonas cepacia ONU-327, Pseudomonas fluorescens ONU-328, деструктори циклічних ароматичних ксенобіотиків, сорбенти іонів важких металів, Pseudomonas cepacia ONU-327, Pseudomonas fluorescens ONU-328, деструкторы циклических ароматических ксенобиотиков, сорбенты ионов тяжелых метал лов, Pseudomonas cepacia ONU-327, Pseudomonas fluorescens ONU-328, destructors of cyclic aromatic xenobiotics, sorbents of heavy metal ions
Бібліографічний опис
Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету