Одеська українська міська рада у суспільних трансформаціях епохи революцій (1918-1919 рр.)
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Уперше на основі здебільшого наративних джерел висвітлюється створення та діяльність Одеської українського міської ради, яка була репрезентантом української громади міста протягом 1918-1919 рр. Автор пропонує розглянути історію досліджуваної організації на фоні еволюції суспільно-політичних процесів, пов’язаних зі зміною влади в Україні. Аналізується роль ОУМР у системі управління після відновлення контролю з боку уряду УНР над південним регіоном, її трансформація з адміністративної установи в національно-культурницьку, котра здебільшого займалася вирішенням питань освіти, просвітництва, видавничої й бібліотечної справи, релігійного життя. Реконструюється кадровий потенціал ради, встановлено прізвища її керівників, стосунки з владними структурами.
It is the first article covering such events as creation and activity of the Odesa Ukrainian City Council (OUMR) which was the representative of the Ukrainian community in Odesa during 1918-1919 with mostly narrative sources used. The author proposes to consider the history of the organization studied in a context of evolution of social and political processes related to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed between the government of the Ukrainian People’s Republic and the Quadruple Alliance and related to the further change of power in Ukraine caused by the coup d’état on April 29th, 1918. The Odesa Ukrainian City Council has not ever been studied throughout the whole period of historical science development, but relevant sources give an opportunity to reconstruct a significant part of episodes of this institution’s activity. The main source base used is the local periodical press including series of newspapers in Ukrainian and Russian. Their front pages contain material that has helped to partially reconstruct the circumstances in which the OUMR was formed, the functional responsibilities of its commissioners, its staffing, including the leaders’ names, the evolution from administrative structure to the national and cultural one, the statutory documents and the relations with state and public institutions. The heuristic work in the archives has been of no expected effect, although this does not preclude the possibility of the relevant documents being found in the future.
It is the first article covering such events as creation and activity of the Odesa Ukrainian City Council (OUMR) which was the representative of the Ukrainian community in Odesa during 1918-1919 with mostly narrative sources used. The author proposes to consider the history of the organization studied in a context of evolution of social and political processes related to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed between the government of the Ukrainian People’s Republic and the Quadruple Alliance and related to the further change of power in Ukraine caused by the coup d’état on April 29th, 1918. The Odesa Ukrainian City Council has not ever been studied throughout the whole period of historical science development, but relevant sources give an opportunity to reconstruct a significant part of episodes of this institution’s activity. The main source base used is the local periodical press including series of newspapers in Ukrainian and Russian. Their front pages contain material that has helped to partially reconstruct the circumstances in which the OUMR was formed, the functional responsibilities of its commissioners, its staffing, including the leaders’ names, the evolution from administrative structure to the national and cultural one, the statutory documents and the relations with state and public institutions. The heuristic work in the archives has been of no expected effect, although this does not preclude the possibility of the relevant documents being found in the future.
Ключові слова
революція, УНР, Одеса, українська громада, Одеська українська міська рада, освіта, «Просвіта», Українська гетьманська Держава, ЗУНР, revolution, UPR, Odesa, Ukrainian community, Odesa Ukrainian City Council, education, Prosvita, Ukrainian Hetman State, WUPR
Бібліографічний опис
Записки історичного факультету = Записки исторического факультета