Інструменти та організаційні форми реалізації корпоративної соціальної відповідальності

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Because of the phenomenon dubbed globalization, the management of supply chains is increasingly gaining a strategic importance for the big multinational companies (Andersen and Skjoett-Larsen, 2009). This is because of many factors that include their competition expanding globally, and the trend of outsourcing the non-core activities to the developing countries which they are adopting (ibid). Simultaneously, an increasing attention of various stakeholders, media and academia is being drawn to the corporations’ social and environmental impact associated with their international business (ibid). In other words, as these companies have grown in size and scope, they have become more powerful and consequently more visible (Marshal, 2009). Therefore, as a result, the expectations towards them, as well as the perceived need for assessing whether these are making a responsible use of their power, have grown too (Grant Thornton, 2008). As a solution, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been promoted to balance the interests of both the businesses and the stakeholders (Rowe, 2005). Practices which this voluntary initiative of self-regulation implies, have been embraced by many companies, as to prevent the government intervention and scrutiny, among other reasons (ibid). However, the variety and the extent of their voluntary efforts vary to great extent (van Dijken, 2007). CSR may comprise a broad range of programmes and activities so definitions and practices of CSR may be different, especially, across countries reflecting the differences in national contexts. However, despite the plethora of undertaken research on CSR, most of the existing literature is based on companies which operate in developed countries. Most studies focus on the Western context which is quite different from the context in emerging economies, including Ukraine. Therefore, the author of this paper is interested in these differences between the UK and Ukrainian companies.
Ключові слова
073 Менеджмент, social responsibility, corporate social performance, stakeholder theory
Бібліографічний опис
Карамад, Е. Інструменти та організаційні форми реалізації корпоративної соціальної відповідальності = Ways and organizational forms of corporate social responsibility : дипломна робота магістра / Е. Карамад; наук. кер. Ю. В. Робул; ОНУ ім. І.І. Мечникова, ІМЕМ, Каф. менеджменту та математичного моделювання ринкових процесів. – Одеса, 2017. – 113 с.