Механизм развития абразионного профиля в береговой зоне моря

Науковий керівник
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Анализ данных по динамике абразионных берегов показывает, что в природе существуют три основных генетических типа активных клифов:. Абразионно-обвальные — для них характерна выработка волнами подножья клифа, образование волноприбойных ниш и гротов, увеличение крутизны берегового склона, нарушение его устойчивости, а затем под влиянием силы тяжести происходит обвал блоков горных пород в море, в результате чего береговой склон выполаживается и вновь приобретает необходимую устойчивость.
A correlation is drawn between the classic scheme of abrasional profile development and data on long-term investigations of the coastal zone. The data point to the essential difference between the new scheme and the old one. Results from the new coastal investigations make it possible to evolve a simple model of the abrasional profile development of the coastal zone. The abrasion process starts with the formation of both cliff and bench: the cliff recedes and the abrasional terrace and the shoaly cross profile interact within the submarine coastal slope. Simultaneously with this, the clastic debris is taken down to the coastal zone and its amount augments as abrasion continues. The abrasional terrace broadening slightly, the offshore waves lose theirenergy on reaching the shoreline and as a result of this, the beach is formed. The wider the terrace and the smaller the submarine slope, the greater the beach drifts; cliff foot and the upper part of the submarine slope are no protection against coastal erosion. Thus, the abrasion terrace step is more active and the steep submarine slope profile affects it subsequently. No beach drifts may occur near the cliff foot, the submarine slope going down to greater depths and thus beaches being eroded. After that the coastal zone profile settles, the cycle of it development starts all over again.
Ключові слова
абразионные берега, активные клифы, береговой склон, sea, mechanism, abrasional profile
Бібліографічний опис
Review of the Bulgarian geological society