Global geological processes in the Caspianmediterranean region during the Miocenepleistocene

In the Miocene, during the time interval from 12 to 5 million years ago, global hydrodynamic and lithodynamic processes occurred in the Caspian-Mediterranean region, the consequences of which were generally positive for the development of modern civilization. These include several time-shifted processes of formation of the Paratethys seas and their sudden disappearance; the formation of the Bosporus, Dardanelles, and Manych straits; evaporation of water in the Mediterranean Sea and its secondary infilling with ocean water; the formation of the Gibraltar Strait; vertical movements of the earth's crust caused by changes in pressure on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea; and the formation of the deep-sea basin of the Black Sea. All these processes were interrelated and exerted a certain influence on each other. In the 1970s, a mathematical model that described the main changes in the Mediterranean Sea and the formation of the Gibraltar Strait during the Messinian Salinity Crisis was developed (Yesin [Esin] et al., 1986, 1987). In recent years, a model describing the flow of freshwater from the Black and Caspian seas into the Mediterranean based on new geological material has been proposed (Garcia-Castellanos et al., 2009). A model for the formation and subsequent disappearance of the Paratethys seas was also recently presented (Esin et al., 2016). In the present report, these processes are shown in their geologic sequence, and their mutual influence is considered, taking into account the action of physical laws.
Ключові слова
Messinian Salinity Crisis, Paratethys seas, Manych, Bosporus, Dardanelles and Gibraltar straits
Бібліографічний опис
Proceedings joint plenary conference and fild trip of IGCP 610 "From the Caspian to Mediterranean: environmental change and human response during the quaternary", (2013-2017) and INQUA IFG POCAS "Ponto-Caspianstratigraphy and geochronology (2017-2020) : international geoscience programme, 1-9 October 2017, Palermo , Italy / Univ. of Palermo ; ed. in chief. A. S. Gilbert ; assoc. ed. V. Yanko-Hombach . – Palermo : Palermo univ. press, 2017 .